How to get from Belek to Perge, you need to go by car along the D400 highway or take a minibus to Antalya.
Perge Belek distance
The distance of Perge Belek is 30 kilometers, but regular buses do not go there. Get off in the town of Aksu. There is a pedestrian bridge near the Perge signpost 3 km. Ask the driver to stop at the bridge, and tell them that you need Perge yola. There is a street under the bridge with a mosque. You will need to walk along it for about 20-25 minutes.
It's better to have lyres with you. The entrance to Perge is paid. Opening hours from April to October - from 9 to 19, from November to March - from 9 to 17. Before reaching the ticket office, you will see the ancient theater and the stadium, which can be viewed free of charge. The two-level theater was built in the 1st century BC on a hillside. Once upon a time, it accommodated 15 thousand spectators. Dozens of sculptures have been preserved in the niches of the theater; now they are in the museum of archeology. Further, you can see the preserved Roman Gate, the City Bath, the main street of Perge leading to the Acropolis, Basilica, Nympherium, Acropolis and many other significant archaeological sites. How to get from Belek to Perge on your own is not difficult, but it is also easy to get lost in its ancient monuments without knowing the history. Therefore, it is better to use the services of a guide.
We have an interesting and comfortable tour Perge-Aspendos-Kursunlu , where you will not only visit two legendary ancient cities, but also visit the national park with a delightful waterfall. And you will not need to worry about how to get from Belek to Perge. We provide transfer, guide, insurance and delicious lunch. The excursion can be booked without prepayment, such a trip will appeal not only to history lovers, but also to everyone who wants to see the beautiful nature of Turkey.
We hope we helped you figure out how to get from Belek to Perge.